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Feeling Blue? Three Meditation Techniques to Try

Shannon Harvey

The other day I was stunned when a good friend of mine revealed that he’s been struggling with depression. I’ve always thought of him as one of the most upbeat, funny, and joyful people I know and to learn that he’s been in a very dark place was a real shock. Given that research shows that most people don’t get support until ten years after their first depressive episode, I was relieved to learn that my friend was looking for help. He was interested in meditation as a coping tool and wanted to know what kind of meditation I practice.... Read full article »

A Word of Warning to the Sleep Deprived

Shannon Harvey

The other day I found myself standing on the side of a busy road in front of an empty space where my car had been parked with a hungry, crying baby in my arms. My car had just been towed away because I had parked in a bus zone. As I write these words, I have blood shot eyes, unwashed hair and have yet to make it out of what is now my daily uniform of yoga pants and a t-shirt. I’ve recently had to start writing notes to myself on my phone because my short-term memory is failing me.... Read full article »

Does Alternative Therapy Work?

Shannon Harvey

I felt a light tap as the delicate needle went into my ankle. Within moments my racing thoughts settled and I felt my awareness shift to the present moment. My breath. My body. My baby.   I’m now 41 weeks pregnant, a week past the expected date of arrival for my second child. I’m hoping to go into labour naturally without needing to be medically induced, and with some evidence to show that acupuncture can be effective in encouraging a natural start to labour, I’ve had a series of appointments with Amrit Dean, a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner... Read full article »

Will vs Skill: Making Healthy Change Last

Shannon Harvey

A couple of weeks ago I noticed my Dad was looking particularly trim. Knowing that he works out regularly I asked him what else he had been doing to get such a dramatic result. “I quit sugar,” he proudly announced as he described how the extra pounds he couldn’t shake had practically flown off him.   In this day and age where sugar is hidden in almost everything, quitting the ever-temping saccharine ingredient is no small thing. I was impressed. And, as I’ve written about previously, based on the evidence, I’m in favour of any diet that encourages a diet... Read full article »

Why Your Doctor Matters

Shannon Harvey

I’ve got a dilemma and have to make a very important health related decision. I’m expecting my second child to arrive any day now. I have a wonderful doctor, but I’ve just been told he has to unexpectedly go away next week for five days. He’s suggested that if my baby hasn’t come by next Tuesday, in order to ensure he will be there for the baby’s birth, we artificially induce labour before he goes away. The decision I have to make (if baby doesn’t come in the next five days) is whether letting things take their own course is... Read full article »

The Proven Healing Power of Touch

Shannon Harvey

I was making breakfast in my kitchen this morning when I heard the stirrings of my three-year-old son waking up. My husband walked into his bedroom and gathered him up into his arms for a good morning cuddle. As my son slowly made the transition from the Land of Nod and into the day ahead, the two of them sat together for at least 10 minutes, still in their embrace, watching me as I pottered around in the kitchen.   It wasn’t an unusual occurrence in our home, but it was a heartwarming moment between father and son, and I... Read full article »

My Year of Living Mindfully (Book)

In the midst of a global mental health crisis, millions of people have turned to mindfulness. But does it actually make us happier and healthier? In a world-first experiment, journalist Shannon Harvey recruited a team of scientists to put mindful meditation to the test. But what began as a year-long self-experiment soon became a life-changing experience..


My Year Of Living Mindfully (Documentary)

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The Connection: Mind Your Body (Documentary)

The Connection is a feature documentary that uncovers the latest science in mind body medicine and proves we have much more to say about our health than we thought possible.

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The Whole Health Life (Book)

This is a guidebook for anyone who wants to get healthy, find balance, and live better.

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