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Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD

Shannon Harvey

Watch an excerpt from Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn's episode in the Conversation Series Prof. of Medicine Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Medical School Founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction “Jon Kabat-Zinn brings to the arena of mind-body science a touch of the poet as well as the pragmatist, giving us the hows and whys of meditation in a language we don't often associate with the subject.” - Bill Moyers, PBS Jon Kabat-Zinn is famous for his work as a scientist, writer, and work in teaching stressed out sick people how to meditate. More than 20, 000 people around the world have now completed... Read full article »

Herbert Benson, MD

Shannon Harvey

Watch an excerpt from Dr Herbert Benson's episode in the Conversation Series Director Emeritus of theBenson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Mind Body Medicine Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School -- “Herbert Benson, MD, is the father of modern mind body medicine. ” - Health Insights Today The Boston Globe described Dr. Hebert Benson as a medical rock star after he wrote his best selling book The Relaxation Response. The book outlined his research and approach to countering the harmful effects stress has on our body, and was an international best seller. Since then he’s written another... Read full article »

Alice Domar, PhD

Shannon Harvey

Watch an excerpt from Alice Domar's episode in the Conversation Series Executive Director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health Director of Mind/Body Services at Boston IVF -- “The Fertility Goddess” - Vogue Magazine Alice Domar is a leader on women’s health issues specializing in stress, infertility, and self-nurture. She’s also the first researcher to apply mind body medicine to women with infertility. We filmed with Alice Domar in Boston where she’s the Executive Director of the Domar Center for Mind Body Health, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical School, and Senior Psychologist at Beth... Read full article »

Craig Hassed, MD

Shannon Harvey

Watch an excerpt from Dr Craig Hassed's episode in the Conversation Series Senior Lecturer, Monash University Faculty of Medicine --- Inaugural President of the Australian Teachers of Meditation Association The ancient Greek physician and father modern medicine, Hippocrates was guided by the principal that the mind and the body are connected. Dr. Craig Hassed not only shares this understanding, but as leading Australian academic and writer he has made it his life's work to educated medical practitioners and their patients about the latest science proving a mind body connection. He's an MD who has published several books and peer reviewed... Read full article »

Damien Finniss, MD

Shannon Harvey

Watch an excerpt from Dr Damien Finniss's episode in the Conversation Series Associate Professor University of Sydney Pain Management Research Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Griffith University At best placebo used to be thought of as a vague unexplained medical phenomena. At worst it was thought of as medical trickery. But thanks to the pioneering research of people like Dr. Damien Finniss, modern research is giving us a greater understanding of the body’s own mechanism to heal itself. Dr. Finniss is a leading expert in the clinical applications of placebo. He is part of a group... Read full article »

Sara Lazar, PhD

Shannon Harvey

Watch an excerpt from Dr Sara Lazar's episode in the Conversation Series Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School --- “Her amazing brain scans show meditation can actually change the size of key regions of our brain, improving our memory and making us more empathetic, compassionate, and resilient under stress.” -TEDx talks Dr. Sara Lazar is at the cutting edge of research into the affects of meditation and yoga on brain activity and changes in brain structure. Dr. Lazar came across the benefits of yoga in 1994 when her physician encouraged her to try it after she sustained an injury to her... Read full article »

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